
Funeral directors excel at serving families in the first 3-5 days that follow a loss.

They help them say goodbye, grieve, and begin to heal. However, the healing process, while it varies for everyone, does not end at the service. Families continue to need support as they continue on with their lives. Our aftercare programs help families adjust to a new life without their loved one through subtle, yet meaningful approaches that let families know your funeral home is still there to serve them.


SoftTouch Aftercare Program

The SoftTouch aftercare program reaches out to families on the pivotal days of the year that follow a loss and provides you with a natural, sincere approach to customer follow-up.

Beautiful, customized cards commemorate these occasions. Available in both English and Spanish, the program is completely automated, which means you can do what you do best, serving families, without worrying about stuffing envelopes and putting them in the mail. It’s a heartfelt gesture that requires very little of your time but makes a huge impression upon your families.

softtouch aftercare programs for funerals

“I received the card from your firm remembering my husband on his birthday. After a year in which there were very few good days, this was a better day because of your thoughtfulness. I thank all of you so much for making my day a little better. Someone remembered Bob.”
– Card recipient

Family Service Program

A pivotal component of a funeral home’s aftercare program, the Family Service Program guides families after a loss as they define a new sense of normal for their life and begin to navigate their future. In addition to dealing with their own grief, families must also deal with such tasks as transferring titles, managing utilities, and filing insurance claims.

Complete with comforting images and inspiring quotes, our Family Service Program illustrative guides help families manage these daunting and confusing tasks and walk families through everything from taking care of their physical and emotional health to handling their loved one’s affairs to planning for their future and the benefits of pre-arranging.

Exclusive Aftercare, Funeral Home Marketing

Request a sample SoftTouch card or Family Service Program