Most people wait until January 1 to set new goals that will transform their life and their business. There’s just something about the new year that feels like a fresh start. It’s like turning the page or starting on a clean slate, an opportunity to hit the ground running with new ideas and ambitions.
But why wait until January 1? As of now, there are a little less than 90 days left in the year, the perfect amount of time to re-commit to your goals and put some plans into action. So when the new year comes, you will already be on your way.
Oh and did we mention that today is National Kick Butt Day? That’s right. TODAY is the day. So take out a pen and paper and write down what you want to accomplish in your preneed program by the end of the year, or even some things you just want to get started on by the end of the year. Just make sure your goals are realistic and measurable. This is a good exercise not just for your preneed program, but for your business in general, or even just in your everyday life.
Check out this 4-point checklist for how you can start kicking butt today and see success in the new year.
Set a goal and commit to achieving it.
Do you want to increase your preneed volume by x%? Do you want to host a seminar before the end of the year? Or start planning one now that is ready to go in the new year? Whatever it is, write it down and commit today to seeing it through. It’s easy enough to think about where you want to be or the goals you want to reach, but until you make a real commitment to achieving them and get specific with what you want to achieve, you won’t develop any actionable plans.
Equip yourself with the right resources.
Next, write down what you need to accomplish this goal. If you want to host a seminar or a smaller scale Lunch and Learn, think about what you need to make it happen. What will the seminar be about? Where will it be held? How will you promote the event? Plan out the logistics and organize the materials you need to create a well-rounded event and the information you want to provide to families so they leave well-informed and eager to learn more.
If you don’t want to do it all on your own or don’t know where to begin, consider partnering with a marketing organization with the expertise to implement a preneed program that is customized to the size and culture of your firm.
Train, train, train.
You’ve set a goal. You’ve done your research. You have the materials you need to succeed. That means it’s time to hit the ground running, right? Not so fast! Training is a pivotal component to any kick-butt preneed program. You can have all the resources in the world to execute a flawless seminar or a turn-key preneed mail program. However, ensuring that you and your staff know how to give a successful presentation and the most appropriate means for following up with families can be the difference between a family who isn’t quite ready to take that next step and a family who recognizes the immense benefits that come with planning ahead.
Knowing how to give a successful presentation comes down to the smallest of details from how you stand to what you do with your hands to the precise language you use when speaking with families about pre-planning their funeral. It takes practice and is best learned in action, watching others who have experience, whether it is conducting seminars or giving presentations to families in their homes.
Evaluate your results and keep going!
Once you set your plan in action, it is important to stay abreast of how the program is doing. Only by monitoring the results and measuring them against your benchmarks for success will you be able to tell whether this has been a successful program for your firm. Additionally, awareness of the ongoing progress (or lack thereof) you are making in your preneed program allows you to make changes and tweaks to the program to pave the path for greater future success.
Don’t be afraid of failure and don’t give up so easily if you don’t see success right away. Our strengths and successes are built on the backs of our failures. It’s how we learn and grow. As PFP President and CEO Quinn Eagan recently said in an interview for a New Orleans CityBusiness Magazine profile on the top Money Makers in 2018 in New Orleans, “It’s human nature to be satisfied with the success that you have. The real secret to being really successful is to worry about your failures. If you can start fixing your failures, your successes will increase.”
So there you have it. How will you spend the last 90 days of the year? Are you ready to kick some butt before the year ends, because we definitely are! Let us know if we can help in any way. Cheers to your and our success!