We can hardly believe it but 2018 is quickly coming to a close and we will soon be ringing in a new year. Can you believe in a few short days it will be 2019? Us either. Where has the time gone? As quickly as the year has flown, however, it has been nothing short of exciting and fast-paced filled with new strides taken by our company and some new visions for our future.
We are proud of what we have accomplished and we have loved working alongside all our partner funeral homes and watching them grow and succeed. We are also excited for the future and ready to hit the ground running with some new ideas in the new year.
Here are some things that helped define 2018 for PFP, as well as some things we are looking forward to in 2019:
Our New Brand
The beginning of 2018 saw us hard at work creating a new image and a new brand identity for PFP. In April we unveiled our new look to the world and it couldn’t have made us happier to do so. Complete with a new logo, new website, and overall new look, we set forward on this path to create a comprehensive identity that our client funeral homes will come to know and recognize.
It was also our goal to let our clients know that while they can still count on us for the tried and true programs and services that we have provided for the past 40+ years, we are also evolving and forging new paths that will only enhance our product offerings and open new doors for new programs that fit the emerging trends in the funeral industry.
If you haven’t fully explored the new site, yet, then feel free to take a look around. We hope you love it as much as we do. If you’re curious about any of the programs we offer and how they can fit your own firm’s brand, please reach out. We’d love to chat.
Also, if you’re not familiar with PFP, what we do and how we operate, check out our short video below:
Time Spent with Clients
This year, there were over 30 trips taken by our Executive Team alone, visiting with client funeral homes across the country. And that doesn’t even count the continuous travel by our Regional Managers and Reps in different parts of the U.S. It’s important to us to check in our partner funeral homes and make sure that everything is working for them in the way that they like.
PFP Digital – Social Media
We are very excited to give a little sneak peek into what we have been working very diligently on in the latter half of this year – our new Social Media Management offering available to our partner funeral homes. We have had a soft roll-out of this new program recently, and we are very excited to bring it to the forefront of our services in the new year.
As a funeral home, what can you expect? This new program will be a 3-fold offering, providing lead generation, brand awareness, and social analysis to funeral homes. This is a comprehensive social media program that will help funeral homes not only enhance their presence and engagement on Facebook but also bring in preneed leads through direct Facebook advertising. All of these avenues will be carefully monitored and measured so you will know exactly what results you are getting.
There will be more details to come in 2019, so stay tuned! We can’t wait to share them with you! In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about this new social media offering and how it can work for you in the new year, send us a message. We’ll follow up in 2019, and you will be one of the first to hear all about this new program.
A Little Bit of Fun
While we definitely worked hard this year, we also managed to squeeze in a little time for fun. Members of our team were able to enjoy the annual Homesteaders Leaders Conference in Mexico, Mardi Gras in New Orleans (how can you not when you live there?), a hunting trip with Homesteaders in South Dakota, and our annual end-of-year Christmas luncheon celebrating our staff and all of our hard work throughout the year.
Our whole team from our home office staff to our Regional Managers and agents out in the field all work extremely hard throughout the year to bring unmatched programs and services to funeral homes across the country. We love what we do, and it has been our pleasure to work alongside all of our industry partners and clients. From our PFP family to yours, we hope you all have a wonderful new year, and we will see you in 2019!